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New m+p international Management in the USA

We are very pleased to introduce our new management team in the USA. The background for the change in management is the strategic reorientation of m+p international with an even stronger focus on the customer and his tasks.
Martin Gerold as president and sales manager is responsible for strategic business and sales management. The focus of his activities is the acquisition of new customers and the retention of existing customers. He is also responsible for managing on-site services. Martin has in-depth industry knowledge and previously worked for HBK and Siemens.
Steve diPalma, as the new COO, is responsible for operations, procurement, support and customer service. He has extensive industry and technical knowledge and previously worked for Dewetron.
Dale Schick focuses on product development and innovation, core applications and marketing. He has worked for m+p international for many years.
With this management team we see ourselves well positioned for future growth, exciting tasks and the close exchange with our customers.