Issue 7: Throughput to Disk and Post-Processing
In this edition of our Newsletter series we will take a look at the throughput and post-processing features of the m+p Analyzer. We will show how to set up the m+p Analyzer for throughput recording and how to post-process the acquired data.
What is Throughput and Why Should I Use it?
Throughput refers to the process of directly writing (streaming) acquired data onto the hard disk. m+p Analyzer provides many online processing options like FFT, FRF, PSD, Octave spectra, Order extraction and so on. We call that online because all metrics are computed while the measurement is running. After the measurement is done, the calculated data is stored in the .sop5 project file. See flowchart below.
Often, we only need to save these online processed data and subsequent analyses are performed on them. See for example an impact modal test: For modal extraction we would only save the measured FRF - the original time data is not required for modal model extraction. But in other cases, it may be useful to have the original data stream. In rotational analysis for example, when a run up of a machine is measured, it may not be obvious how to choose processing settings before we know the measurement result. In these cases, it is useful to just stream the data onto the PC and try different post-processing settings afterwards, based on the acquired data.
Thus, in post-processing, we can do just about everything we can do during measurement (except for changing sample rate). E.g. for our run up we could use post-processing to check if a different block size, overlap or order tracking algorithm improves our result - all without repeating the test itself!
See below how to set up a throughput and post-process it.