Is Your Fixture Fit for the Task?
Fixtures play a crucial role in testing, not merely as a bracket to attach your EUT to the armature, ...
Experts en Vibrations - nous concevons vos solutions de test et de mesure
Fixtures play a crucial role in testing, not merely as a bracket to attach your EUT to the armature, ...
Acoustic testing of spacecraft components is a crucial step in ensuring the successful launch and operation of satellites and other spacecrafts.
For a quick and easy assignment of your mobile measurement data to the recording locations, the GPS module of the m+p Analyzer stores all important geodata ...
For over 30 years, IVC Technologies has been providing condition based monitoring (CBM) and vibration analysis services to a diverse range of industries ...
m+p Analyzer offers a large variety of measurement options for online and offline analysis in the time and frequency domain. Additionally, the software has various ...
Vous avez un fichier de données réalisé sur un ancien système d’acquisition qui n’est plus supporté ? m+p international propose un Viewer gratuit en ...
We are continuously enhancing our m+p Analyzer software in order to effectively support your vibration measurements and analysis. The software release 5.3 ...
Sound quality is becoming increasingly important in product design. Constructive measures and acoustic materials serve to reduce or optimize the perceived ...
m+p international continually strives to be a leader in aerospace testing. The most renowned aerospace companies rely on our products for dynamic testing, ...
The rotor blade diameters of modern wind turbine generators are becoming larger and larger, making manufacturing, transport and installation of wind turbines ...
In the last issue of our m+p Analyzer Basics series, we explained the basics of Operating Deflection Shapes. Today we demonstrate how to measure and extract ODS ...
In this edition of our m+p Analyzer Basics series, we explain the basics of Operating Deflection Shapes.
With the rotating machinery analysis module, our m+p Analyzer provides many functions required to measure and analyze both fixed and variable speed rotating ...
Some outstanding enhancements have been made to our m+p Analyzer software for NVH testing. Check out the most important upgrades in Revision 5.2.1.
See how m+p Analyzer is used for Classical Shock and Shock Response Spectra (SRS) acquisition and processing.
In this edition of our series m+p Analyzer Basics we will take a look at the reporting features of m+p Analyzer. We will show how to setup reporting, save and load templates ...
In this edition of our Newsletter series we will take a look at the throughput and post-processing features of the m+p Analyzer. We will show how to set up the ...
Recently, we supplied a high-speed multi-channel data acquisition system to an aerospace company. The system comprises several sub-systems each housed in a ...
The m+p Analyzer is all about measuring vibration data and providing traceable results that, even years later, can be reviewed and put into context. In this 6th issue, ...
Discover the full bundle of new or updated software tools in m+p Analyzer revision 5.2! They will help you get your NVH tests done quickly and precisely.
The project browser is the core element of the m+p Analyzer when it comes to managing projects, measurement data and calculated results. In this issue of our ...
With the proven 4/8-channel m+p VibPilot, m+p international sets the standard for affordable performance in vibration control, NVH testing and dynamic signal analysis.
m+p Analyzer offers four different types of charts for specific data analysis needs, a 2D single chart, a 2D Multi-chart, a 3D Waterfall chart and a Colormap chart.
In the last issues of our series “m+p Analyzer Basics” we showed basic features of 2D charts such as formatting and positioning and more advanced features such as ...
Le frontal m+p VibPilot 4/8 voies a démontré ses excellentes performances pour de nombreuses applications en essais en vibration et en analyse du signal et des ...
Le bruit perçu à l’intérieur de l’habitacle d’un véhicule est un des critères importants dans la qualité et la décision d’achat. Dans une campagne récente d’essais, ...
m+p Analyzer 5.0 remplace la génération SO Analyzer et devient le logiciel de référence m+p international pour la mesure, l’analyse et le rapport pour les applications en ...
Qui parmi nous pense que même des pièces anodines telles que des rétroviseurs doivent être testées de manière extensive ? SMR Automotive, un des plus grands ...
Lors des essais de vibration au sol (GVT) sur des structures aéronautiques ou spatiales, le mode Sinus est très populaire grâce à son excellent rapport signal/bruit.
Vous avez peut-être déjà entendu parler du cargo Dragon de Space X lancé du Cap Canaveral pour ravitailler la Station Spatiale Internationale (ISS). Ce cargo autonome ...
Le bruit est un facteur important dans le développement et la mise en œuvre des éoliennes. Afin de protéger l’environnement, le niveau des émissions sonores est ...