Dévoilement de m+p VibControl 2.17
Découvrez comment les nouvelles fonctionnalités vont améliorer vos processus d'essais vibratoires !
Experts en Vibrations - nous concevons vos solutions de test et de mesure
Découvrez comment les nouvelles fonctionnalités vont améliorer vos processus d'essais vibratoires !
Fixtures play a crucial role in testing, not merely as a bracket to attach your EUT to the armature, ...
Acoustic testing of spacecraft components is a crucial step in ensuring the successful launch and operation of satellites and other spacecrafts.
Les essais acoustiques des composants des engins spatiaux constituent une étape cruciale pour garantir le succès du lancement et du fonctionnement des satellites ...
Nous avons le plaisir de vous présenter notre nouvelle équipe de direction aux États-Unis.
Lorsque nous avons construit un banc d'essai de lampes pour le siège de Volkswagen à Wolfsburg, en Allemagne, ...
m+p international, leader dans le domaine du contrôle des vibrations et de l'acoustique, est heureux d'accueillir RMC Mühendislik ...
La satisfaction de nos clients reste notre principale priorité, c’est pourquoi nous tenons à vous informer de l’évolution de la situation et des mesures ...
Récemment une brèche informatique critique a été découverte dans la librairie Java « Log4J ». Les pirates peuvent prendre le contrôle complet du système affecté par le bug.
LeoStella in Seattle/USA is revolutionizing the development and production of small satellites (microsatellites). With a strong focus on scalable and cost-efficient production processes ...
For a quick and easy assignment of your mobile measurement data to the recording locations, the GPS module of the m+p Analyzer stores all important geodata ...
Wir haben m+p international China Co., Ltd. gegründet. Mit diesem Schritt schaffen wir die Basis, um unsere Dienstleistungen für unsere Kunden in China weiter zu verbessern.
The importance of vibration testing in qualifying and accepting products cannot be overstated. Especially in aerospace, it is important to implement techniques ...
For over 30 years, IVC Technologies has been providing condition based monitoring (CBM) and vibration analysis services to a diverse range of industries ...
We are continuously enhancing our m+p VibControl vibration control system in order to effectively support your vibration testing and to add value for all users.
Congratulations to the engineers and technicians at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory for the successful landing of Perseverance on the Mars! NASA JPL successfully ...
When you perform vibration tests, you must always be 100% confident in your shaker and controller. With our user-friendly Shaker Qualification Tool, you can regularly ...
With m+p Coda, m+p international supplies a scalable temperature/voltage acquisition system that requires no advanced training or programming knowledge to operate.
m+p Analyzer offers a large variety of measurement options for online and offline analysis in the time and frequency domain. Additionally, the software has various ...
Online software demonstrations are one of our well-established offerings. We adapt the contents specifically to the needs of your team and your test applications.
Are you testing with a servo-hydraulic test system? Are your specimens heavy, large and require long distances and forces for vibration tests with dynamic loads, e.g. ...
This year we celebrate our 40th anniversary. It is a good occasion to look back on the company history and the people behind it. Who has accompanied us on ...
The vibration transmission characteristics of engine mounts, in particular the dynamic stiffness, are of key importance to NVH engineers. Driven by e-mobility ...
Vous avez un fichier de données réalisé sur un ancien système d’acquisition qui n’est plus supporté ? m+p international propose un Viewer gratuit en ...
m+p international’s quality management system was recertified to ISO 9001:2015. We have been certified since 2003 in order to continuously ...
Depuis la fondation de notre société, m+p international a réalisé d’innombrables projets, développé des produits hautement performants, et a également relevé de ...
NASA’s Curiosity rover studies climate and geology on Mars. Our m+p VibControl vibration control systems contributed to mission success: Qualification testing of ...
We are continuously enhancing our m+p Analyzer software in order to effectively support your vibration measurements and analysis. The software release 5.3 ...
In November 1980 MAHRENHOLTZ + PARTNER Ingenieurgesellschaft was founded by the then director of the Institute of Mechanics at the University of Hannover, ...
Elastomer mounts such as engine and chassis mounts, suspension bushes and vibration absorbers are thoroughly investigated and optimized for their ...
Sound quality is becoming increasingly important in product design. Constructive measures and acoustic materials serve to reduce or optimize the perceived ...
m+p international continually strives to be a leader in aerospace testing. The most renowned aerospace companies rely on our products for dynamic testing, ...
Safety is a key consideration for battery electric vehicles, particularly as the energy capacity of batteries increases. Components and subsystems are exposed ...
The rotor blade diameters of modern wind turbine generators are becoming larger and larger, making manufacturing, transport and installation of wind turbines ...
In the last issue of our m+p Analyzer Basics series, we explained the basics of Operating Deflection Shapes. Today we demonstrate how to measure and extract ODS ...
m+p international has developed a novel method for high-frequency mechanical excitation (> 2 to 40 kHz) of large (> 100 mm) and heavy (> 100 g) test specimens in ...
In this edition of our m+p Analyzer Basics series, we explain the basics of Operating Deflection Shapes.
With the rotating machinery analysis module, our m+p Analyzer provides many functions required to measure and analyze both fixed and variable speed rotating ...
Some outstanding enhancements have been made to our m+p Analyzer software for NVH testing. Check out the most important upgrades in Revision 5.2.1.
See how m+p Analyzer is used for Classical Shock and Shock Response Spectra (SRS) acquisition and processing.
Our m+p VibControl vibration control systems are used in many defense applications worldwide, including reliability verification of radar systems.
We are proud to support our customer, DuPont, in the testing of Nomex®, a flame-resistant fiber used in protective clothing for firefighters, police officers, industrial ...
In this edition of our series m+p Analyzer Basics we will take a look at the reporting features of m+p Analyzer. We will show how to setup reporting, save and load templates ...
Element is one of the world’s leading independent providers of materials testing, product qualification testing, calibration and advisory services. Their team of ...
The m+p international team is proud to announce the release of m+p VibControl 2.15 software. The new version provides numerous features which further improve ...
m+p international Mess- und Rechnertechnik GmbH, Hannover/Germany, and Brüel & Kjaer Sound & Vibration Measurement A/S, Nærum/Denmark, signed a ...
Satellites undergo extensive stress tests before any space mission starts. To test their acoustic durability, satellites are often placed in a reverberant acoustic ...
In this edition of our Newsletter series we will take a look at the throughput and post-processing features of the m+p Analyzer. We will show how to set up the ...
Recently, we supplied a high-speed multi-channel data acquisition system to an aerospace company. The system comprises several sub-systems each housed in a ...
Les véhicules électriques et à piles à combustible imposent aux spécialistes de la NVH de nouvelles exigences toujours plus élevées en matière d’isolation acoustique ...
The m+p Analyzer is all about measuring vibration data and providing traceable results that, even years later, can be reviewed and put into context. In this 6th issue, ...
The environmental testing laboratory of automotive supplier Continental in Toulouse, France, is equipped with four m+p VibControl vibration controllers and eight-channel ...
Discover the full bundle of new or updated software tools in m+p Analyzer revision 5.2! They will help you get your NVH tests done quickly and precisely.
The project browser is the core element of the m+p Analyzer when it comes to managing projects, measurement data and calculated results. In this issue of our ...
During normal operation many parts of an airframe endure extremes of both temperature and acoustic excitation. Consequently, damage can occur during initial testing.
With the proven 4/8-channel m+p VibPilot, m+p international sets the standard for affordable performance in vibration control, NVH testing and dynamic signal analysis.
m+p Analyzer offers four different types of charts for specific data analysis needs, a 2D single chart, a 2D Multi-chart, a 3D Waterfall chart and a Colormap chart.
Récemment, m+p international a obtenu la certification de la nouvelle norme ISO 9001:2015 par TÜV SÜD Germany, un fournisseur mondial d'essais, de certifications ...
Our m+p VibControl vibration control software is used by many of the leading environmental test labs throughout the world. Software updates and enhancements ...
Vibration testing to international and laboratory standards is important for product verification and approval. Additional information of the system under test are ...
In the last issues of our series “m+p Analyzer Basics” we showed basic features of 2D charts such as formatting and positioning and more advanced features such as ...
Le frontal m+p VibPilot 4/8 voies a démontré ses excellentes performances pour de nombreuses applications en essais en vibration et en analyse du signal et des ...
Il y a une demande croissante pour surveiller les équipements en tests et les moyens d’excitation durant des essais environnementaux vibratoires et acoustiques.
Le bruit perçu à l’intérieur de l’habitacle d’un véhicule est un des critères importants dans la qualité et la décision d’achat. Dans une campagne récente d’essais, ...
m+p Analyzer 5.0 remplace la génération SO Analyzer et devient le logiciel de référence m+p international pour la mesure, l’analyse et le rapport pour les applications en ...
Qui parmi nous pense que même des pièces anodines telles que des rétroviseurs doivent être testées de manière extensive ? SMR Automotive, un des plus grands ...
Bosch est le plus grand équipementier automobile dans le monde. Le laboratoire « Fiabilité » de la division Multimédia Automobile de Robert Bosch à Hildesheim ...
Les essais en vibration sont indispensables au cours du développement et de la qualification de moteurs pour valider la fiabilité et la résistance des divers composants.
La NASA conduit de nombreuses missions spectaculaires. Son robot martien Curiosity, par exemple, étudie le climat, la géologie de Mars, et la possibilité d’y habiter.
Lors des essais de vibration au sol (GVT) sur des structures aéronautiques ou spatiales, le mode Sinus est très populaire grâce à son excellent rapport signal/bruit.
BepiColombo est une mission conjointe de l’Agence Spatiale Européenne (ESA) et de l’Agence d’Exploration Spatiale japonaise (JAXA) pour mieux connaître ...
Vous avez peut-être déjà entendu parler du cargo Dragon de Space X lancé du Cap Canaveral pour ravitailler la Station Spatiale Internationale (ISS). Ce cargo autonome ...
L’excitation en multi-sinus pour le pilotage de pots vibrants vient d’être récemment implantée dans VibControl. Ce mode permet de balayer simultanément jusqu’à ...
Le bruit est un facteur important dans le développement et la mise en œuvre des éoliennes. Afin de protéger l’environnement, le niveau des émissions sonores est ...