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m+p Analyzer V5.5 Release:
Explore the Exciting New Features in our On-Demand Webinar

We are delighted to present the highly anticipated m+p Analyzer V5.5 version to you!
We have recorded the release presentation as an on-demand webinar, directly demonstrating the highlights of the new release to give you a comprehensive overview how to use the new features.

The latest release of m+p Analyzer is packed with new application highlights, automation and data access interfaces and exciting quality of life features, making the m+p Analyzer more versatile than ever. Our #expertsinvibration Dr. Thomas Hoffmann and Dr. Andreas Renner will guide you through the webinar to showcase the new functionalities for modal analysis, sound power measurement and shock testing. We demonstrate how API access leverages m+p Analyzer's capabilities, how throughput files can now be directly read from MATLAB. We will guide you through the Sound Power App Video Tutorial according to ISO 3746 and demonstrate how users can easily record, display and process data with API access.