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m+p VibControl 2.16 Release

We are continuously enhancing our m+p VibControl vibration control system in order to effectively support your vibration testing and to add value for all users. The software release 2.16 offers many new functions which are also based on your suggestions. Check out the largely extended functionality of m+p VibControl 2.16.
Additional Overview with Online Charts Showing up to 16 Traces
Up to 16 channels can be tracked in one chart. This allows you to display larger channel groups in one chart and thus, for example, compare all crosstalk channels of several triaxial accelerometers with the excitation signal.

Quick Comparisons of Different Test Runs: Channel-Wise Color Assignment in VibMultiplot Charts
In VibMultiplot charts you compare a wide variety of test runs. You can now assign the colors of the individual traces directly and in a timesaving way in the table above the chart.

Everything at a Glance: Extended Legend in VibPosttest Multiplot
If you select Multiplot for test evaluation in m+p VibControl 2.16, the legend also shows all information that applies to all selected traces in addition to the color of the single traces. This data can be shown or hidden individually. In Random test mode it is also possible to activate the display of the RMS values.

Time-Saving Transducer Calibration Using Fixed Sine Frequencies or Random Signals
Our m+p SensCal program provides a quick and simple process for calibrating accelerometers as well as velocity or displacement transducers right in your laboratory.

m+p SensCal offers new calibration modes which are significantly faster than the previous calibration via a sine sweep.
- Calibration with fixed sine frequencies: You specify a set of discrete sine frequencies. These are driven step by step and the transducer will be calibrated for exactly the frequencies required.
- Calibration using random signals: The transducer will be calibrated over a specific frequency range using a random excitation signal. As the entire frequency range is excited at once, the procedure is very efficient.
Enhanced Safety: Monitoring Vibration Control Tests
For the Random Reduction option, we have extended the functionality of the digital outputs to achieve additional safety for your test runs. For example, the violation of channel-specific notch limits can be reported externally via a digital output. This enables you to control and monitor external control systems. Conversely, measurements of the Random Reduction option can also be controlled from external systems. They are started and stopped via a digital input signal. This allows you, for example, to acquire random signals in parallel with acoustic signals on two separate measurement systems.
Quickly See if the Test Meets the Specifications: Online Threshold Checking for SRS Parameters
For transient capture measurements, a threshold check for SRS parameters can be enabled. m+p VibControl checks the SRS spectrum online against the previously specified pass/fail criteria and shows directly whether they have been met or not. With this information, laboratory staff can save time by immediately deciding whether the load profile meets the specifications. For further evaluation, the information is also available offline in the results file.

Displacement Optimization in Classical Shock
The m+p VibControl Classical Shock test setup offers the new “Optimum displacement” compensation. It enables you to minimize the required displacement by using rectangular waveforms for the pre- and post-pulses.

Improved Compensation of Existing Pulses in Classical Shock
In the Classical Shock test mode, a “Minimum compensation frequency” can be set for the compensation of existing pulses. This excludes waveforms with low frequencies and amplitudes for the generation of the compensation pulse. These cannot be measured accurately with accelerometers, but small deviations have a great influence on the displacement.
Shock and Vibration Tests for Railway Applications (IEC 61373): Linear PSD Slopes
Railway standard IEC 61373 defines shock and vibration tests for railway applications and rolling stock equipment. This and further standards require random tests with linear PSD slopes between the frequency points. These spectra can now be easily defined in the Reference tab of a Random test setup.

Sine Tests for Material Testing with Specified Number of Sine Cycles
The number of cycles is an important parameter for defining the stress level of the test specimen which can lead to fatigue damage. You now have the possibility to enter them directly. m+p VibControl then calculates the required number of sine sweeps.

Other smaller improvements make m+p VibControl even more powerful and user-friendly. m+p VibControl 2.16 with its significantly expanded range of functions is available now.
Find detailed information in the 6-page m+p VibControl 2.16 Update Note.
Contact your m+p sales account manager for a software demonstration tailored to your specific test requirements – online or on-site in your lab.