振动专家 - 我们为您设计测试和测量解决方案



对于关键的测试,可以在振动控制的同时记录时间历史数据,而不会降低控制性能。m+p VibControl 系统的实时原始数据采集功能允许您在嵌入式数据服务器上连续记录所有选定通道的时域数据("原始数据记录"),而不受通道数和使用频率范围的限制。这意味着您可以随时访问所有原始数据,以进行分析。





  • Witnessing an ongoing critical vibration test
  • Replaces 2nd acquisition system

下载信息。Time History Recording

m+p Product Guide "Data Reduction and Throughput to Disc"


是 m+p 的在线正弦、随机、冲击数据处理系统。无论通道数和应用频率范围是多少,所有的数据都持续的记录在 VXI 设备的内置硬盘上。 一些主机通过以太网、网线或者 MXI 界面连接,可以对达到或超过 256 个通道进行数据采集和时域记录。增加了 m+p Analyzer 软件的相关模块后,还可以在线实时处理声学数据。

Key Features

Time History Recording (Throughput to Disc)

  • Continuous, gap-free time history recording to throughput disk
  • For all test modes
  • Fully replaces tape recorder
  • Common hardware platform and user interface with m+p VibControl vibration controller minimizes test costs and maximizes test efficiencies
  • Throughput function started/paused/stopped independently from ongoing vibration test
  • Access to all original data for analysis purposes
  • Online signal analysis using m+p VibControl data reduction modes for sine, random and shock tests
  • Advanced analysis functions such as FFT calculations and octave analysis using m+p Analyzer software
  • High sample rates for time domain data storage: up to 32,768 Hz for sine and random and 102.4 kHz for transient capture (per channel)
  • Sample rates independent from frequency range of vibration test